New Year...New You?

Ahh, the infamous New Year’s Resolution. Some research states that as high as 80% of NY resolutions fail by the first week of February. Sound familiar? You aren’t alone. We all want to improve in 2022, so what’s stopping us from achieving our goals? Consider these 3 pitfalls as you plan your resolutions.

  1. You don’t understand your “why”. We often set lofty goals, but we don’t stop to think about what is at the root of the change we want to see. Without digging deeper to understand what is truly driving us, it’s easier to give up. When you are setting that goal to “lose weight”, ask yourself, “but why”? Root cause analysis often tells us the first “why” isn’t always the real answer. On the surface, you may say you want to lose weight. If you don’t achieve that goal, it may not seem so bad. Digging deeper may help you understand that you want to lose weight….so you have more energy….so you can spend more time playing with your kids or learning a new hobby. Not prioritizing weight loss that may help you make more memories with your kids or find a new passion in life? That’s an entirely different ball game.
  2. You don’t have an accountability partner. It’s so much easier to give up on our goals when we have no one to answer to. Sometimes, peer pressure IS a good thing! Find someone who has a common goal and help hold each other accountable. This year, I want to stop setting my alarm earlier than I need to get up just so I can snooze it. I like to pretend that it doesn’t impact my sleep, but I know it does. My husband was MORE than happy to help keep me accountable for that one.
  3. One small failure and you throw in the towel. We’ve all been there. You’ve set a goal to workout every week day. You had a horrible day at work and you are exhausted, so you decide not to go to the gym. Or, you’ve started the journey of counting macros. Your team goes out to lunch and the menu is #allthecarbs, so you give in and have that burger and fries. How do you recover from those small failures? Do you throw out an entire solid week of exercise and eating well because of the one bad day? Or do you dust yourself off and get back on the horse?

At Summit, our goal is to help create products that will keep those New Years Resolutions on track. We find it’s often the small actions you take to plan ahead that set you up for success and take away any excuses for failure. Whether it’s our Kilo collapsible protein shaker that fits compactly in your purse or gym bag, or our travel sized supplements to help you make good nutrition decisions on the go, we’ve got you covered.